European Conference on Heat Treatment 2025
Motion in Heat Treatment
Heat Treatment in Motion
5th International Conference on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering in Automotive and Transportation Applications

We are glad to announce the ECHT 2025 Conference and the 5th International Conference on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering in Automotive and Transportation Applications, to be held in Prague, in Kaiserstein Palace, on 4-6 June 2025! The 3rd conference in this series had also been held in Prague in 2016. The European series of conferences ECHT is organised by heat treatment associations in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands and Switzerland which are dedicated to the knowledge transfer between research and practice and the exchange of experience among engineers and scientists. ATZK, including heat treatment experts from Czech and Slovak Republic, countries with a big industrial tradition, proposes an extensive programme presenting current trends in Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering for automotive and transportation applications.
Conference topics
- Heat Treatment (Steels, Non Ferrous and Complex Alloys)
- Thermochemical Treatments
- Quenching Technology (Equipment and Quenchants)
- Surface Hardening (Induction, LASER, EB)
- Residual Stresses and Distortion
- Heat Treatment / Powder Metal Parts
- Treatment of Additive Manufactured Parts
- Testing and Characterization of Heat Treated Parts
- Innovative Coatings for Corrosion, Wear and Tribology
- Digitalization - Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Numerical Simulation in Heat Treatment
- Surface Cleaning and Preparation
- Energy Savings and CO2 Reduction, Energy Efficiency Enhancement
- Sustainability in Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering
- Environmental Aspects in Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering
- Hydrogen in HT industry
Aichelin Young Speakers Award
- will be given at this conference for the best talk
- by a speaker under 35 years of age
- on an issue of high scientific or commercial relevance
- with implication for the industrial practice.
The award is endowed with the sum of 1500 €.
Burgdorf Poster Award
The best poster will be awarded and announced during the conference and in the reports. We value posters equally as oral presentations. They give you the chance to present your results, graphs and pictures in a non-transient form and discuss them with the participants during the dedicated poster session or any other time.